16 Edgeland Close NW, Calgary, AB T3A 3B1

Pinpoint Ultrasound
Target your Target

tFUS for Treatment Resistant Depression

Precise Targeting

NovusTX Devices is providing a clinical tFUS system with the capability of targeting sub-mm brain circuits as well as larger cortex region for neuromodulation therapies, depending on various applications.

Non-invasive Treatment

tFUS is a non-invasive intervention for treatment-resistant depression. The patient will receive the treatment session in clinician’s office without hospitalization. No surgery is required.

Superficial and Deep Targeting

Unlike Deep Brain Stimulation and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, our system could target areas both superficial (cortex) and deep (sub-cortex) in the brain for different applications.

Platform Technology

Our product could be used for multiple applications such as treatment-resistant depression, motion disorders, etc. It could also be used as a research tool for exploration study and patient screening.

Founded in March, 2020, NovusTX Devices is a young Albertan company developing clinical focused ultrasound system for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Our solution is based on our patented technology that alters the way of driving ultrasound transducers, our multiaxial driving transducers and phased array system could achieve as a result sub-mm targeting precision at sub-MHz frequencies, which is suitable for non-invasive transcranial focused ultrasound applications.

Ultrasound beam steering is traditionally achieved using phased array systems. Our patented multiaxial driving technique demonstrated, for the first time, that the steering of ultrasound using a single transducer is possible.

Major Depression Disorders

Major Depression Disorders (MDD) is one of the most common mental health conditions in the United States. It affect more than 10% of U.S. adults.


The direct and in-direct costs related to MDD is expected to be more than $210b per year in 2020.

Quality of Life

MDD may lead to suicide, and it is the most common cause of disability.

Treatable but…

MDD is treatable via medication and psychological consultation. But about 30% of MDD patients do not respond to convention treatment.


Neuromodulation therapies could be provided to treatment-resistant depression patients.